Transform XML to HTML with XSL


Staff member
I have an app running on our intranet which uses a custom compoent togenerate XML which I then load into a DOM Document object and transform withto HTML for the client browser. This has been working fine for severalmonths, however now the browser gets the XSL file only, no HTML , no data.The server is a Win 2k Server SP 1. MSXML 3. Another page using the sametechnique and almost the same code genates a menu and the XML is transformedto HTML just fine.On my development machine (Win 2K Server SP 2 MSXML 3) the page still worksfine.I have reinstalled the custom component, and made sure the server hascurrent updates. It has also been rebooted. I also replaced the XSL file.I have checked the XML output and it is fine.Here is the code I am using to generate the page.Dim sourceFile, source, styleFile, style, rootElement, HTMLCode, objFS,objFileset dom = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")Set style = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")style.async = falsestyle.load(server.MapPath("Timecard.xsl"))set tc = Server.CreateObject("TimecardObj.cTimecard")tc.load session("Username"),request("Year"),request("PayPeriod")dom.loadxml tc.xmlsession("Year") = request("Year")session("payPrd") = request("PayPeriod")response.write dom.TransformNode(style) "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Timecard\Timecard.xml"set tc=nothingset dom=nothingset style=nothingI am completely at a loss as to how to fix this. I hope someone can help mewiht this.I have verified that the correct information is being supplied to the customobject. Anyway it generates a good XML file. I just can't seem to get ittransformed to HTML.Thanks in advance for any help. sorry if I left out something.Lauren