Transform XML to another XML Document


Staff member
I've tried countless ways to transform this XML Document using XSLT but I can't seem to get it correct.

Here is my original XML.

<DSCRatingResult xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
<DSCVehicleOption Name="All Wheel Drive" OptID="1" Applied="0" />
<DSCVehicleOption Name="Four Wheel Drive" OptID="4" Applied="0" />
<DSCCoverage CvgID="4300" Name="Platinum" VehClass="2" />
<DSCCoverage CvgID="4301" Name="Premium" VehClass="2" />

An example of how I would like it to look:

<DSCVehicleOptionTest NameTest="All Wheel Drive" OptIDTest="1" AppliedTest="0" />
<DSCVehicleOptionTest NameTest="Four Wheel Drive" OptIDTest="4" AppliedTest="0" />
<DSCCoverageTest CvgIDTest="4300" NameTest="Platinum" VehClassTest="2" />
<DSCCoverageTest CvgIDTest="4301" NameTest="Premium" VehClassTest="2" />

I'd post some of my attempts but at this point I can't tell which one I've made progress on or not. Thank you in advance for any assistance.