After one year (daily 2 hour) work, my website gets good traffic from Google search engine. My website gets average 700 unique visitors per day last three month (September, October, and November). But it reduced to average 200 per day on December month. Traffic from Google search engine also reduced to average 50 per day. I am faille to find out exact reason. I am link exchange with lots of website on that time. I will stop the participating forum this three month. Anyone solve my problem.You like many others in Asia were probably affected by this earthquake ... atn81.htmlHey whats that earthquake doing here in this topic ?lolYou should ensure you have a good stats program to analyse your logs so that you can pinpoint any gain or loss in your traffic to see what has changed so see if its rankings,referrals or just a decline in search volume for the keywords.Americantruckbuyer wrote:yup...your should know from which country your visitor came from...earthquake effect all Asian connection...but if im not mistaken this problem already been overcome..kokkada,did your site still at the same amount of visitor or much better like before.?