track location.href of iframe off server


New Member

I am trying to find a way to track the href of an i-frame.
I can do it if the document displayed in the i-frame is on my server, but as soon as I browse to an external site I get an error "access denied".

After digging around I find that this is an inbuilt security rule for scripting languages.
Why it should be an issue I don't know, but I really need to be able to do it.

I have found vague references elsewhere on the net which seem to indicate that it IS possible to track that href of the external document, but the script I use to do it has to be signed.

Anybody had any experience of this issue, and maybe even solved it ?

I am quite prepared to get the script signed if necessary, but I really need to be sure that it will make a difference before I pay out the cash.

At the end of the day, I just need to be able to browse external sites, then when I find the page I want, click a button and the full url of the current i-frame source gets dumped to a formfield so I can record it on the server.
This has to take place within 1 window, hence the i-frame (or even standard frame) approach.

