Torrent Tracker VBTT (VBitty) Installation Instruction (step by step)

vBulletin Torrent Tracker (VBTT) installation instruction,
step by step for novice webmaster/admin

vBulletin Torrent Tracker (VBTT) also known as VBitty, made by toolmanwill based on the Tracker system by Olaf Van Dar Spek (a salute to him). At first you should know what is Torrent & what is Torrent Tracker.
See this wiki for more: Torrent & Torrent Tracker

First of all if you still dont download VBTT yet, do it. You can download it from: vBitty(VBTT) - vBulletin Torrent Tracker: vBitty(VBTT) - vBulletin Torrent Tracker for free.

PHP Tracker vs. XBT Tracker
Many of you already know, there's two version of vBulletin Torrent Tracker. One PHP based other XBT (c++) based. PHP Tracker is a basic Tracker while XBT is full featured powerful Tracker & can handle much more peers than a php tracker. Unfortunately PHP Tracker support vBulletin 3.0.x, 3.5.x & 3.6.x only. So if you want to use vBulletin 3.7.x, 3.8.x or later XBT Tracker is only choice. Another thing is developer toolmanwill stop developing PHP Tracker (until now). However, if you install PHP Tracker on vBulletin 3.7.x or 3.8.x, it'll cause errors & might harm for your database. So in tutorial we are dealing with XBT Tracker not php thing.

Pre-Installation Note
The main thing you need to know before you are going to install this on your server, You must have root access & SSH enabled
Root Access is necessary to login SSH with root account to install the tracker on your server.

Now, many of you can ask What is root access? & What is SSH?

Let me answer, first- Root Access
It means, you can use ROOT as user name & have the power to access server's root, I mean system files. Its a server's SUPER USER
When you buy a Host, you have a user name & password to login to it.
Same way...If you have Root Access, your root user name will be : root & password: same as your normal pass if you dont change it manually or host will provide you
For more information, see this wiki

Now SSH. It also known as Shell Access.
Its a Command Prompt system of LINUX like windows have ms-dos or cmd...just little difficult
So if you have the SSH enabled, you can use COMMAND on your server.
But you need a third party software to connect your server. I recommend PUTTY. Download it, its free.
see this wiki if you need more info.

N.B. If your server is WINDOWS SERVER not a linux based (fedora, ubuntu, centos etc...) then forget about SSH thing...its not required for you. All you need to do download the windows version of this tracker & run it on your remote computer

Now lets move to the final part of this pre-installation.
Generally, you'll not have Root Access in Shared Server. So you cant install VBTT on a Shared Server. If your host give you root access (very very rare in case of shared me) only then you can do it.
VPS (Virtual Private Server) & Dedicated server has generally Root Access & of course SSH
So I should say, If you are on a shared server FORGET THIS TORRENT TRACKER its not for you or just go for a VPS or Dedicated server first. However you can install PHP Tracker on Shared server only if are using vBulletin 3.0.x, 3.5.x or 3.6.x
Ask your host these questions:

* Torrent Tracker installation is allowed on your server?
* Do I have Root Access?
* SSH (Shell Access enabled)
* is port 2710 (& 2711 also) open for use ?

If all the answer is YES, go ahead...

Installation process
Do this step by step:

1. Upload all VBTT files at your ForumRoot (including "xbt" folder)
2. Now go to your AdminCP >> Product Manager >> Add product & add the "product-vbtt3forxbt.xml" file of VBTT
3. Open the original Install Instruction file ( Install-do not upload!!! / installation.html ) provided by the VBTT author & start modifying PHP files as there mentioned.
4. CHMOD 777 > ForumRoot/xbt/Tracker folder & all files in it (it might be necessary, so we did it)
Note: chmod means Permission (in linux based operating system) & when the value of chmod is 777, it means all permission (read, write, executive) From your server control panel you can change permission of a folder/file. Otherwise use a FTP Client software like "Smart FTP Client" & right-click the folder >> properties >> make CHMOD to 777 (check box "apply change to this folder, subfolder & files")
5. At the folder xbt/Tracker there are a file xbt_tracker.conf edit this with your hostname, database name, username & pass.
6. run PUTTY (the SSH login software). Host name >> Click OK
7. It will ask username & then password
8. User name: root
9. password: your root password
10. when you are connected, use this command cd /home/admin/ This is the path of your xbt/Tracker folder. It is variable, depending on your server & user name. I just give here an example. check your File manager for your original path
11. Now you are in Tracker folder (you can check it by dirs command)
12. use this command: ./
13. Sometimes it shows error. If so use this command first: yum install boost-devel gcc-c++ mysql-devel subversion (if your system is CentOS, Fedora Core and Red Hat) or apt-get install cmake g++ libboost-date-time-dev libboost-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-regex-dev libboost-serialization-dev libmysqlclient15-dev make subversion zlib1g-dev (if your system Debian) This will install latest g++ support & other thing that is necessary for XBT installation. & then again use this command: ./
14. When the Installation will be completed without any error, type : ./xbt_tracker
15. & it'll show that your Tracker is started & ready for use
16. Done !!!
I've stoped on this step: 6. run PUTTY (the SSH login software). Host name >> Click OK

can someone explane?