Topic Maps, Knowledge Management, and Vertical Industry Case


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Topic Maps, Knowledge Management, and Vertical Industry Case Study Sessionshighlight XML Europe 2001XML Europe, 21-25 May, Berlin, Germany features the latest developments inTopic Maps and Knowledge Management issues. Co-chaired by Steve Pepper, Ontopia,and Steve Newcomb, Coolheads, the Topic Maps sessions are aimed at topicsfor the technical implementer. Check out the line-up of speakers and presentationsat: Stock, empolis, chairs the stellar list of speakers on Knowledge Managementand Knowledge Technologies topics: Waldt, industry consultant, will introduce the Vertical Industry CaseStudies. Hear how a variety of companies representing a number of industriesare implementing XML in their applications.<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... stry.htmIf</a><!-- m --> you haven抰 made your hotel reservations yet, check out the followingweb sites to assist you in finding accommodations in Berlin:<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="html">html</a><!-- m --> more information on the full program and to register for XML Europe 2001,visit the event web site: