Top Google Listings But no Bing Listings


New Member
Hi my site in google "keywords" has top placement and has for 7-8 years, now when I search in bing it doesn't show up by my competitor who is only 5 months old shows up int he top spot for Bing.

Anyone understand how to get bing to notice my site with it's age and traffic WTH! Every search engines has different algorithms for ranking a site may be you optimize your site well for Google not for bing. I am also having a hard time getting good results with Bing. Only my home page is showing up as indexed. Quote: Originally Posted by tinytim Frankly I won't bother too much about Bing. I can't trust them much these days. I submitted my website to them and it took them oh about 3 months to get it indexed!! And even after that it was just the home page they indexed. Is that weird or what? I trust me, I wasn't the only one with the problem. I think they are having some problems with their indexing system. So trying to figure out their algo would be like looking for a needle in a haysack!! bing do not works as fast as google & this is not a big issue. do not worry. Only 0.17% of my traffic come from bing. Quote: Originally Posted by bestsabqat Only 0.17% of my traffic come from bing. Bing holds a reasonable share of the search engine market (depending on the country it can be 10-15%). So if bing was playing nice you could get a big increase on your 0.17%
Different algorithm=different results.

Bing seems (to me at least) to place more weight on on-page factors and ESPECIALLY domain age, which is a bummer for my 6 month old business.