Tool to stress test a site


hi,<br />
I have created a intranetsite for our compnany which is hosted on a local server (obviuosly). I want to know of any tools that I can use to Stress test the site and server . I know there are many tools available , but I want to know which one are the good ones and the easiest to use.<br />
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Thanks<!--content-->there are many tools that google will coff up for you, most cost money but have a free trial Download <!--more-->. They're all fairly simple to use and install. I've used M$ stress test (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... t/Download</a><!-- m --> <!--more-->s/webstres.asp) tool which does the job just nice, you'll need windos NT to run it though, oh and intel.<br />
here's (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) another i've used an quite liked, trial ran out on mine :( <br />
This one is more flexible, supports all M$ Os's :)<!--content-->what is that you guys are talking about?<!--content-->follow the second link i posted, probably the easier of the two to understand :)<br />
basically load testing your site etc...<!--content-->