Toggle Plus and Minus jQuery UI


New Member
Is there a way to add a span of a + and - for this code? I'm having a tuff time getting it to work. I'd like it to be in the div when toggling back and forth. This code is working great but every time I alter the code it doesn't seem to work. :-/\[code\]<script>$(function() { $( '.mylisting-trigger' ).click(function() { $( '.mylisting-main' ).toggle( 'blind', {direction: 'down'}, 200 ); return false; }); });</script>\[/code\]Here is the HTML I'm using. \[code\]<div class="row mylisting"><div class="twelve columns"> <div class="mylisting-header"> <a href="" class="mylisting-trigger"><h1>my listing</h1><h1><span>(24)</span></h1></a> </div><!--/mylisting-header--> <div class="mylisting-main"> <div class="mylisting-options"> <p> <a href="">Send</a> <a href="">Rename</a> <a href="">Delete</a> </p> </div> </div><!--/.mylisting-main--> </div><!--/twelve columns--> </div><!--/row mylisting-->\[/code\]