WWW's go AWOL ....When I do a google for subjects my site deals with, some of the url'sdisplayed in the search results have http://www.domain.com/bla bla ........while others have http://domain.com/bla blaIt is rarer on Google than in Yahoo, which has this a lot. (But on yahoo it is simply domain.com/bla bla)I also see it with other sites. I hope it is no big deal, but out of interest ...Anybody know the significance of this?Just to add: someone told me it was the "Missing W's Syndrome" ... butto be honest I didn't really understand how it related to anything that Ihave done in the past or am doing at present.Hi, Google will treat http://www.domainname.com & domainname.com as 2 different sites.It is advisable to redirect domainname.com to http://www.domainname.comRedirect what to what exactly?Apply 301 (permanent re-direction) to domainname.com to http://www.domainname.com