To slice or not to slice......?


HTML webpages....<br />
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My usual method of working is to use construct the page graphics in photoshop/fireworks/ etc and then take them into dreamweaver and use layers to postion everything perfectly.<br />
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However, I am now working with tables as I need the positioning to change depending on the users resolution.<br />
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Therefore, my method of working is as follows:-<br />
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1. Use photoshop to layout and design the complete webpage.<br />
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2. Then I use imageready to slice the webpage into sections as some of the page will remain unchanged.<br />
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3. I then take the slices into dreamweaver and use tables (with some cells using % so they can expand/shrink depending on the resolution) to display the whole page.<br />
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Now, is this method of creating a webpage good or bad ? as I have only recently began to work with slices and tables.<br />
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If this method is poor or there's a better method of working what will be the best place to start ?<br />
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Thanks<br />
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Toot<!--content-->a sliced image is always better as it shows the user that something at least is Download <!--more-->ing.<!--content-->sounds good to me,<br />
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in fact I did the same for a template page a while back - with borders done as bmp's which repeated inside cells which stretched according to the content in the main cells.<!--content-->The reason I asked is because I've never had to use tables before and therefore quite a noob with them, and I was told slicing up one big image was a bad way to start a webpage.<br />
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Thought I was doing something bad. <br />
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Thanks<br />
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