to show a exel kind of layout in my html page...


hi!<br />
i have to show a exel kind of sheet in a html page...<br />
by this i mean the the view should be like the exel sheet but can be accesswd from a servlet or a bean etc..<br />
i have tried in Frontpage but the column n row headings cannot be changed........<br />
pls help..<br />
any help will be highly appriciated...<br />
thanks in advance.<br />
ravi.<!--content-->Either you could use HTML with a lot of table rows and cells, or then you could use a real Excel file and link to it from a HTML page (at least Internet Explorer shows Excel files in the IE window, without opening Excel).<!--content-->hi!<br />
thanks for ur reply...<br />
a table with lot of rows n cloumns as u suggested r not been shown on the page if they r empty...<br />
the alternative u suggested ,to link a exel sheet from a Html page..i dont know how to do it..can u provide me with some code...<br />
can u suggest some websites where i can find stuff like this...<br />
pls do reply.<br />
thanks.<br />
ravi.<!--content-->an emtpy cell wil show up if you place &nbsp; in the cell :) (you'll only see the cell if it has borders)<!--content-->you'll also have to specify the height and width of the cells, which the w3 doesnt recommend doing, but... who cares.<!--content-->Originally posted by Gregory <br />
you'll also have to specify the height and width of the cells, which the w3 doesnt recommend doing, but... who cares. <br />
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depends on the layout, if the adjacent cell has content, then the other cells will size to that, otherwise use a spacer<!--content-->hi!<br />
thanks that &nbsp; is working....<br />
but can we do something to select a particular row....<br />
is there anything for that in HTML or should i have to go for Javascript etc..<br />
thanks.<br />
ravi.<!--content-->Maybe the easiest way is just to upload the Excel file to your server and link to it. Let's say, the name of the file is something.xlc, you could link to it using <a href="something.xlc">Link</a> and it should open in the browser window.<!--content-->Originally posted by agent002 <br />
Maybe the easiest way is just to upload the Excel file to your server and link to it. Let's say, the name of the file is something.xlc, you could link to it using <a href="something.xlc">Link</a> and it should open in the browser window. But if it's not rendered in HTML, how can a browser open it? <br />
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Peg<!--content-->ya...putting the link like<br />
<a herf="abc.xlc">link</a><br />
is actually opening the exel n opeaning the sheet inside the browser......<br />
n also the column heading cannot be changed...<!--content-->There is a way of saving excel files as a type of text doc, it can then be opened by most spread sheets and not only excel. I know a few sites that do this and will look into it for you if this helps at all.<!--content-->Originally posted by Gregory <br />
you'll also have to specify the height and width of the cells, which the w3 doesnt recommend doing, but... who cares. <br />
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I dont think that is quite right... for a fixed layout it is recommended... just depends what you are going to use, style sheets or html 4.0<!--content-->as of my requriments ,i need to dislay the details of all the employees(which i am going to get from the database),and if the user clicks on a particular row contaning the details of the employee ,the specific details of that employee will be showed at the lower half of the page where he can make requried changes n save those....<br />
so my requriments r to show a table,where a particular row can be selected....<br />
i am thinking of putting the userid as a link if nothing works....<br />
the problem with exel sheet is that it is giving me too many columns n also the column heading can not to changed....<br />
i dont know what to do....<br />
i am just flirting around with HTML pages to c if i can get something out of it...<br />
i dont know if i am going to succed...<br />
thanks any way for ur valuable comments...<br />
looking forward for more...<br />
thanks.<br />
ravi.<!--content-->i've never used excel myself, apart from gcse computing ages ago, but wouldn't there be a serverside alternative for this, say importing the excel data into a mysql table and then using the serverside to display this table and then call up the selected employee data. maybe scoutt would be able to comment on this?<br />
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otherwise using the fairly tedious method of putting the data manually into html tables and then having the employees names as hiperlinks which opened up the details in an iframe at the bottom would be the only other method i can think of, not used to excel sorry :)<br />
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does excel not have a function where it can create an html page of the data? i imagine it would be messy but maybe an option?<br />
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i came across some software that converts .xls to pdf, here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) , maybe there is a free converter out there?<br />
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here's (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) a vb script that will convert excel to pdf.<!--content-->Maybe im off track but excel can export to HTML files. Dont see how you can get a more real looking 'excel' html renderd page...<!--content-->