Do you have so many affiliates that you just can't keep them all together on one line? Then this modification is for you! It uses a marquee to display your affiliates in it's own box in the "What's Going On?" area. The marquee is set up to stop when you hover over an affiliate and start back up when you are no longer hovering over an affiliate.
Edit your affiliate links and images via the AdminCP.
To upgrade you must first uninstall the modification and install the new version.
1.1- Fixed a spacing issue.
1.0- Released.
Having no marquee when displaying affiliates
Download the product-affiliationnomarquee.
Putting it in a different position
Download the product-affiliationhook or product-affiliationnomarqueehook, depending on your personal preference and place $affiliation anywhere in the FORUMHOME template where you wish for your affiliates to be displayed.