To frame or not to frame


Staff member
Hi,<br />
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I have a overal question about designing webpages..<br />
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The thing is, i am wondering if the use of frames is good or not.<br />
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Cause if u have a page, with a logo and a menu under it, wich have to be both visible for ever on the site...I really cant think of any other good way of doing this except with the use of frames...<br />
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Can anyone tell me what an other way of doing this is without the use of frames, because i wanna get rid of those damne things, they suck :)<!--content-->There was a big discussion about this a while ago. Here's the thread:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ght=frames</a><!-- m --><br />
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There are also other threads on this subject, it might be worth you doing a search. :)<!--content-->SO if im getting this correct,<br />
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Frames should only be used if its strictly has to be used..cause of the many disadvantages it brings allong..<br />
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ANd tables are the thing i must focus on?<br />
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But ive got another question, is it posible in tables to..for example on the right side have tables with content, and on the left side of the page tables with a menu, then is it possible that the tables with the site menu stay forever, without being reloaded on every new page u go to, and the tables on the right side with the content just has changing content when u click on a link in the at the left located menu?????<br />
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Like in frames that is possible, but in tables too?<br />
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And if not, is there any other way of achieving that on a easy way, without the use of frames??<br />
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Im just a bit scared of the loading times complete new pages every time will gonna take..<!--content-->you can use layers in the way you are seeking, but not tables. Try a few basic pages in atbles first. Don't be too concerend about the load time until you see the page size. Chances are that if your pages are THAT big, you need to cut down on some of the graphics.<!--content-->If you want your designs to be as optimized as possible for a certain screen resolution its probably best to lay them out in a graphics program first. You can see where all the elements are and how much resizing you might need to do to cram it all in.<br />
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Start with a 782 pixel wide image and add in your graphics. Leave room for the content. Use a program that supports layers so you can easily move around elements, remove elements, add new elements, change colors, opacity, etc. <br />
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After you have it like you want it, start slicing and optimizing (make sure to always save a master copy of any images) the graphics into their individual components and create an html page to test them in. Make any necessary adjustments to spacing/sizing to include your content as you proceed.<br />
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With a little practice its not difficult to do. You will develop your own style and methods in a short while and make better looking and better layed out webpages.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Thank u verry much for the help.<br />
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Atm im working on a site, so will be seeing some results, wich i'll ofcourse post on the review site...<br />
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Greetings And Thanx again!<!--content-->