To create a form with 90 records


Staff member
Hi,<br />
I am trying to create a page which has 90 records of data input. I was wondering if I could put the whole thing in one HTML form or in 6 forms which the user could go to one by one after filling each. I thought the first option was easier but I am not sure about the kind of problems it may have in the browser. I would like to hear suggestions from anyone who has done something similar.<!--content-->I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to do.<br />
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:confused:<!--content-->Goldilocks,<br />
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Let me make it clear. Please imagine there are 90 records for one particular category that a user has to fill up and submit. Like a Department name with the first name, last name, age and sex of 90 employees. When I create a HTML form, I can't accomodate all the 90 rows in one screen. I could either split it up as 15 records in one screen with a NEXT button or something to go to the next screen with the next 15 records and so on. Or I could get all the 90 records to appear in one screen with the user scrolling up and down.<br />
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I wanted to know if my second option would work fine and if it would have any browser compatibility issues.<!--content-->Well, here are pros and cons of each method:<br />
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First Method:<br />
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Pros: A bit easier on the person filling out the form<br />
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Cons: Harder to implement, meaning you'd need to use either cookies and/or a serverside language to keep track of the previous page records<br />
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Second Method:<br />
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Pros: Very easy to do<br />
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Cons: Person filling out the form might get a bit bored scrolling down.<!--content-->and with method 2 timing out of the server may become a problem. (though I can help you avoid that)<!--content-->If it were me that was surfing on your site, I would much prefer the first method. I don't like have big huge pages to fill out, only to find there is more I have to fill in.........<!--content-->