To continue this action


New Member
I have a question about the following error message:

To continue this action, login using the admin account that initiated the action.

Running 3.7.3 pl1 (although I have been seeing this since 3.7.) All my templates are up to date.

I get this message 20 or 30 times a day. Basically, I can perform a couple of admin tasks and then all of a sudden it will ask me to log in again when I try and execute something (like saving a template or loading a plugin.) I will, and it will not accept my credentials, giving me the above error message.

I need to refresh the page and then I am allowed to move forward (without having to enter any further credentials.)

I did a few google searches and I don't see this popping up that often so maybe I just imploded something important while hacking though my templates...
Have you attempted to overwrite your forums files (same process as an upgrade)?

This may be some sort of file corruption & simply needs the proper file.

I would go that route first.