To Client or Not to Client

Question for you more experienced folks out there. I'd like to know if there's an easier / more efficient solution than what I've got. Here's what I'm trying to do:
Using a text menu, search for text contained in any number of fields in a database
Display the matches in a vertical list
Allow the user to pick from those matches and add them to a selection. The user's selection is displayed and the items he has chosen are removed from the search
Allow the user to remove items from his selection and return them to the searchI thought about putting the logic on the server (using C#), but postbacks are annoying, and it would involve many trips to and from the server. The alternative is a javascript solution. My thinking is that I will populate a .js file that stores the database information in an array (~2,000 records), perform the searches on the client, and upload the data all at once. I'm curious to know what your thoughts are on either, and if there's any alternative approaches I'm not thinking of.

Thanks in advance.

-ChrisI personally perfer using JavaScript to limit post backs. Espeically if the user is on a slow connection it may make your application look like a piece of crap in their eyes!

Only thing you got to take into account is the number of records you are talking about. JavaScript is not great at finding stuff like a SQL query can do (time wise). Plus the initial page load may be very long writing out the information.
