To add a space - is it &nspc; ??


Well thats the question !<br />
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I just want to add a couple of spaces<br />
but &nspc; doesn't work :confused: ??<!--content-->Well, your first choice should be CSS. Most especially if you need more than one space. <br />
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For a non-breaking space the entity is "&nbsp;" <br />
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See <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> .<!--content-->I don't know for what purpose you are using a non-breaking space so this may be non-related to your request: but what if you want to have a word or couple of words that the individual letters have G R E A T E R space between them? Insted of making your code like <br />
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G&nbsp;R&nbsp;E&nbsp;A&nbsp;T&nbsp;E&nbsp;R&nbsp;, <br />
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you could use CSS to 'style' the word "GREATER" as used in a sentence, like this:<br />
<br />
<br />
<p> ...and it is <span style="letter-spacing:0.8ex; padding:0 4px 0 4px;">GREATER</span>than all others... </p><br />
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Try it. :) <br />
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And you've done something wonderful with just a few little words...<!--content-->&nbsp; is kind of like <BR>. It's rare that you need it and if you find yourself using it a lot then you are doing something wrong.<!--content-->