to 96turnerri


look it was not ment to be rude i know it may have came off that way. i was not angree i totally understand. and i was just saying forget it because i dont have a php website and my service provider doesnt offer php yet so i was just saying dont worry about it cause i figured since i dont have a php nothing could be done. so im sorry if it came out rude it wasnt ment to be ok. please everyone here please except my apology. i will send you a personal message 96turnerri expressing my graditude.<!--content-->man forget it i read that a little better and my apology is revoked to 96turnerri man you dont need to talk about a new clan like that. i get a public server to have a fun place for people to come play and it is jerks like you that ruin it for everyone else. now if anyone else was upset by my bluntness im sorry i didnt mean to be that way and i did understand why html cant processe it but i wasnt sure so i asked.<!--content-->You dont need PHP to do what you are trying to do.. You just cant do it in HTML. There are several, equally good alternatives which you can employ.<br />
<br />
Also, whilst its good that you said sorry to turnerri, thers is no need to start a new thread. You probably deserve an apology aswell.<br />
<br />
Regards,<br />
Andrew Buntine.<!--content-->i know it isnt needed i just thought i would make the situation right on my behalf so other people didnt think i was a prick you know. and if there is another way besides using php/html i would love it if you could help me i will actually pm you about it.<!--content-->Its ok. We can have a convo on here if it iabout web development as it may be of benifit to others.<br />
<br />
Theres several alternatives including ASP, CGI, ColdFusion, XML.<br />
<br />
The preceding are languages which you could use in conjunction with HTML to have the contents of a form processed.<br />
<br />
Regards,<br />
Andrew Buntine.<!--content-->i pm'd you earlier today ab and apoligised i had a bad day, adn shoudltn have taken it out on you, i hope you have read it, yes buntine yuo are rite you dont need php but you do need an ssl, as i also said in pm to ab hes used fp to create a webpage, some people will disagree with me but the easiest way is to use the guestbook template that fp comes with<br />
<br />
Sorry again ab<!--content-->Originally posted by buntine <br />
Theres several alternatives including ASP, CGI, ColdFusion, XML.You could use XML to store the data, but not to process the form.<!--content-->you will need an ssl on your server, or you could link it to someone who has i could put you one on my server if you like?<!--content-->Do you mean SSI?<!--content-->no not server side include, i mean ssL, server side language such as php asp etc<!--content-->SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, not server-side language.<!--content-->normally referring to server side support is simply ss, never ssl.<!--content-->wow thanks guys i havent had the cnace to read all threw this but i just wanted to say thank you for the help when i get home tonight i will get a better look at this and put a more indepth reply then this. i just wanted to say thank you for the help.<!--content-->Originally posted by pyro <br />
SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, not server-side language. <br />
<br />
yes that is true, but many people refer to php asp etc as ssl's<!--content-->Originally posted by 96turnerri <br />
but many people refer to php asp etc as ssl's IF they really do, they shouldn't, as it is easily misinterpreted.<!--content--><script type="text/javascript"><br />
<br />
//replace easily with always, as ssl does not<br />
// stand for server side language<br />
pyros_edited_post = pyros_post.replace("easily","always")<br />
<br />
</script>:)<!--content-->Acronyms for our purposes:<br />
SSL: Secure Socket Layer<br />
<br />
SSI: Server Side Include<br />
<br />
and to clear up confusion<br />
SSS: Server Side Script, or sssl server side scripting lang.<br />
<br />
I just think if we called it that when we abbreviated it would clear up problems, also when I ralk about SSL i alwas put it in caps because Is and Ls look alike. Just my $0.02<!--content-->