Title and Meta info gets inserted into my page automatically?


I just uploaded (ftp through Dreamweaver) updated files to my entire site and realized that as I did that - four lines of unwanted title and meta info got inserted into my source info of the html pages; this inserted code is actually from my previous files on the site that I deleted already. I mean before I uploaded my entire site I deleted everything that was in the root folder except the cgi bin.<br />
Go to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.xn3ct.net">http://www.xn3ct.net</a><!-- m --> look at the source and you'll see the four lines of inserted code (it overlooks/disregards my new meta info and title -- shoot!). Not only on that page, but on all the rest of them I have the old title and meta info.<br />
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Could the cgi bin store information and insert it into my code as I upload pages??? If not, then how did the old code got inserted?<br />
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Thanks.<br />
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James<!--content-->Sorry about the confusion; my settings with the webhosting company were set so -- with an auto function -- to create title and meta info for you. I disabled it.<!--content-->