Titanium mobile - text into strings.xml shows variable name not content


New Member
I have a problem when using the command L('name_of_entry') into my titanium mobile application.The preview into the simulator iOS works. The entry \[code\]<string name="name_of_entry">Hello</string>\[/code\] shows "hello".But into the android emulator, the mobileweb preview AND on ipod touch iOS 5.1,this only shows name_of_entry.Do you know what is the problem?I show you the code that i used to call this.first : \[code\]menuItemsTab[0] = new menuIconsItemModel(0, 'user_admin', pathImages + 'images/icon_user.png', L('user_admin_menu'),'UserAdminMainWindowController');\[/code\]and after into the label:\[code\]text : item.text,\[/code\]Please help ^^