Tips on Protecting Your Domain Names against Theft


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Domain name theft is a real threat to domain name owners from around the world. One example is the theft of the domain, which lead to legal battles for many years.

As domainers, especially new in this area, we cannot afford these type of legal battles, and surely even less afford to loose a premium domain name.

Here are some tips on securing your domain names.

1. Pick your registrar

When looking for a registrar, ensure that the one you choose are ICANN accredited. This will ensure that your registrar complies with ICANN’s requirements when it has been set up. Note that accreditation is no guarantee against misuse and abuse. Also ensure that your registrar has a great reputation and an excellent customer service.

Make use of Google to lookup comments on registrars on the Internet. Visit domainers or webmasters forums and read posts made on registrars.

Search Yahoo! and Google news to read the latest news on registrars.

In short be sure that you have done enough research on a registrar before making use of them.

2. Registration information

Upon registering your domain name, ensure that you provide true and accurate personal identifiable information. Ensure that you always update your information as and when it changes. This information is needed by the registrar to contact you should the need arise. Also note that many registrars, if they are unable to come into contact with you, will remove your accounts, along with the domain names.

3. Keep your domains locked

Always ensure that your registrar offers this service. You need to keep your domains locked at all times. This ensures that a domain cannot be transferred to another registrar without your knowledge.

4. Keep them double-locked

If you are in possession of high value domains, you might want to contact your registrar and request that additional methods of security be imposes on unlocking domains, for example an authorization code that should be applied when unlocking a domain.

5. Get an EPP Authorization Code

Request an EPP authorization code from your domain registrar. This code is unique to every domain and is provided for the purpose of authenticating transfer requests. This code will give you additional security for your domains.

6. Get Insurance

Look for insurers offering insurance on domain names, in case of misuse or abuse by third parties and you can be compensated for your losses incurred in any such event.

7. Register a Trademark

Register a trademark for your domain. Tip: If your company’s name is CCCNew and your domain name is CCCNEW.COM, get a trademark on CCCNew, so that your brand would have trademark protection. You will receive protection against spoof offenders and cybersquatters. If you can’t trademark your brand, then trademark the domain name itself.

8. Continuous Monitoring

Ensure that you monitor your domain names, the websites and domain name accounts at registrars on a regular basis. Ensure that content has not changed or irregular activities taken place.

Stay up to date with the daily business news of your registrar. You should always be on the lookout for signs of financial trouble, possible liquidation, trends in domain name thefts, etc. This will enable you to take proactive measures in advance and not get stuck in a position where you might stand a chance in losing your assets.

9. Your Own Registrar

If ever you are fortunate enough to end up with one or more Million Dollar premium domain names, it would be wise to invest in registering as a registrar yourself and moving your domains to your own secure setup. This was mentioned by many domainers and some even laughed at this, but for security purposes in million dollar plus investments, this would be worth your while.

If you find this useful, I will appreciate any comments or suggestions you might have.