Timezone Daylight Saving problem in PHP and SQL


New Member
So in my PHP code, I do timezone selection for the user, where I have a table of timezones and their hour-shift values from GMT. I then use that to add to the DATETIME column values whenever the user picks his timezone in the SETTINGS.So I have two functionalities: reading from DATETIME column in the database, and WRITING to the DATETIME column. Obviously, the first one I need to "add" the timezone difference before showing it to the user (using DATEADD() in SQL), while the second I need to "subtract" the timezone difference before store it in the database (also using DATEADD()). That way, all my stored timezones are in GMT, and viewed based on the selection of timezone of the user.However, the Daylight Saving is the problem. What approach should I do (whether on SQL level OR PHP level), to solve this problem? Is using DATEADD() in SQL enough to take care of DAYLIGHT Savings? I have no clue. Please help!