timed page load after animation


how do i do a timed page load once an animation is complete? like i mean...how do i make it so once an animation (such as flash or an animated gif) is done..it automatically goes to another link?<!--content-->This is more Javascript than HTML, really....<br />
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<html><head><br />
<script><br />
var exit = setTimeout("leave()", 9000); //number of milliseconds, 1000 = 1 second. Set this to the appropriate time for your animation's ending<br />
<br />
function leave(){<br />
location="my_new_page.html";<br />
}<br />
</script></head><body><br />
<img src=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"my_ani.gif"><br />
</body></html><br />
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This will work for a 9 second long GIF animation.<!--content-->tho i know this is javascript...what about for flash animation? and i can make it longer than 9 seconds can't i?<!--content-->In Flash you can use ActionScript to call the URL of a function... getURL(){ url = "javascript:doFunction();";}<br />
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Anyways, just change that 9000 up at the top. It it's 5 minutes, use 600000*5; if it's just one minute, use 600000. 1000 = 1 second. 60000 = 6 seconds.<!--content-->