timed page "jumping" or redirecting howto


I'm trying to pull an april fools prank on a friend of mine. what is supposed to happen is that he opens this website (not included b/c it contains content that might be percieved at offensive), thinking he's gonna find this story thing I've been telling him about, but when he gets there, all it has is an animation that says "loading." hopefully it will serve it's purpose to keep him there while a sound clip of some girl having an orgasm loads. What I want to do is for his browser to refresh or redirect him to another page that says "april fools" with the real link on it, but not until the sound clip has finished loading and playing. If anyone knows how to delay the redirection from the website, please let me know asap!!! I'd appreciate anyone's input and help!<br />
-BG<!--content-->Just estimate how long it would take for his connection to Download <!--more--> the file in seconds.<br />
<br />
then use this in the head of the page <br />
<br />
<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh"<br />
content="10; URL=http://the URL of the second page"> <br />
<br />
10 is the number of seconds (place to your estimate)<br />
and change the URL to the April Fools page.<!--content-->thanks a bunch! will it begin the forawrding "countdown" after the page has completly stopped loading or as soon as the page has begun to load?<br />
-BG<!--content-->I believe as soon as the page has finished loading.<!--content-->that sounds more like a gift rather than a april fools gag hehe<!--content-->it actually starts counting as soon as that meta tag has been read, which is before the sound clip is loaded... the best way to do it is to have a javacript function that is called when the page is loaded, such as <body onLoad="refresh();"><br />
<br />
then the refresh function would be something like <br />
<br />
function refresh();<br />
<br />
window.location("newpage.html");<br />
<br />
Somehting like that, dont have the exact syntax but anyway April Fools was yesterday hehe<br />
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