

I just wanted to thank you guys for the file upload php script!!!! Not sure which thread i stole it from but thx it works great...I have zero php experience..Couldn't have dont it without you thx!!!!

I do have a question tho...When i chmod the directory the only permissions that work for upload is 777 i would rather have 772 or 662. Basicly i just want the users to have write access and thats it...Any ideas? Thx in're welcome :)

but to answer your question, nope, you have to have full permissions to upload, but you can chmod it back to read only after the upload.ok..hmm i would think with write only permissions that you should be able to upload. Guesss not though oh well. Thanks for the reply.

OH I did try your upload script scoutt but i couldn't figure it out. But thats probally just my php ignorance.