Thumbnail gallery creation


Staff member
I am trying to create a thumbnail gallery using a simple table layout. My problem is that when I hyper link the image src to the cell it comes in at full size. I would like to be able to have the image come in at a smaller size and then allow the user to click on the image to see the full size picture. Now the Question: How do I write the HTML code so I can do this? Any pointer would be appreciated<!--content-->what you are needing to complete is duplicate the image. Use any image editing software to duplicate the BIG image, take the image down to something like 200X200 pixels, then save it with an close idenity name.<br />
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EXAMPLE:<br />
BIG= snowcrab.jpg<br />
small= snowcrab_200.jpg<br />
<br />
insert the snowcrab_200.jpg file into the page, then link it to the snowcrab.jpg image.<br />
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i hope it helps!<br />
chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:<!--content-->You can code this yourself by simply reducing the height and width declarations in the image tag. The WYSIWYG editor in some of the HTML programs sometimes allow you to place and image and then "size" it when what they are really doing is simply allowing you to change the Height and width declarations. <br />
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***:(This is a BAD idea for the following reasons:***<br />
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1) the smaller thumbnail images load much more quickly to make your page load faster. If you reduce the size of your larger images, your page'll take forever to load.<br />
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2) It makes the images look distorted and ugly.<br />
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Best to take the advice above and make two different images then use the thumbnail to link to the larger image (a popup window would be cool for that)<br />
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-beth<!--content-->Thanks for the advice guys & Gals !!<br />
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When you mentioned an imaging editing program do you mean something shop or is the're a better one out there<br />
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Thanks people<!--content-->Yep.....<br />
one prog:<br />
IM EDITOR: XNview 3MB<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
plus helpfile 450 kb<br />
and of course:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Allow me to introduce to you all a wonderful program<br />
Pink Mouse Image Organizer. All you have to do is select a bunch of photos on your harddrive, and it will automatically create thumbnail sized picts and an HTML file with a table holding them and linking them to their originals ... See a page I made with version 2.0 years ago here <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->. PMIO did the bulk of the work on this page. All I did was take the 640x480 pictures and add some text at the top and bottom of the gallery.<br />
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It's a shareware program it will work forever but kindly requests some money after a month (v3). I still have version 2 installed from when it was released...<br />
PMIO home <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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---<br />
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In our highschool year-book-CD, we had approx. 1700 digital photos of the events throughout the year and they made a gallery for them all. The computer group doing this project didn't know of any program that could batch thumbnail, so they had to manually shrink and link each and every JPEG in Photoshop... sigh....<!--content-->not bad! (the free part is what grabs everyones attention) if anything the program seems to run about the same as the dreamweaver macromedia product. i say, give it a try!<br />
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thanks for showing us that postitlord!<br />
chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:<!--content-->Thanks people you have all been a great help in my thumbnail gallery creation if I can only figure out how to put those pesky little captions at the bottom of the pictures I will be a quazi thumbnail expert! LOL!!! Well any-ways thanks all and I look forward to asking more questions in the future. This has been a breeze!!<br />
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Thanks Bret<!--content-->