Throwing an Exception on every application error


New Member
I have an application based on Zend Framwork. In one Model I am calling a method from another Model. When I call this method I use try-cath block for handling of strange situations.Model1.\[code\]try { $result = Module_Model2_Name->method();} catch (Exception $e) { // Do Something}\[/code\]Catch should be work if we find a throw in try block. But I don't know about behaviour of my application. If it is a some application error in Model2 method it should be throw an Exception.In method of Model2 I do the next thing, but it doesn't work:\[code\]set_error_handler(create_function('$m = "Error"','throw new Exception($m);'), E_ALL);\[/code\]How can I throw an Exception on every PHP application error?Thank you very much. Sorry for my English.