Three Frameset Questions


I have three frameset questions.. and I should mention that I am using a Mac..and I'm suspicious that this could be part of why I am having these problems <br />
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1. When the user hits the browser's "Back" button, it only goes back to load one frame as opposed to reloading both frames from the previous page. <br />
To see what I mean, click on this link: <br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... index.html</a><!-- m --> <br />
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Click on products and services > data services. <br />
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Two new frames will load. <br />
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Now hit the browser's Back button. Only one of the frames goes back. If you hit the browser's Back button a second time, then it will go back on the second frame. <br />
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Does anyone know how to resolve this? Is there some sort of a java script that can command the Back/Forward buttons to reload all of the frames at once? <br />
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2. On my 19" monitor which is set to 1280 x 1024 pixels, when the browser window fills the entire screen, the fourth frame in my frameset, which holds the "imagebar" disappears. Go to Data Services to see this. When the browser window is smaller, it reappears. There is a flash file loaded into this frame on this page, so I don't know if it is stemming from Flash, or from an HTML problem, or a frameset problem.. Any thoughts? <br />
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3. When I hit "Refresh/Reload" a scrollbar appears around the second frame holding the navigational bar. I think this is only happening on macs. I have the "SCROLLING=NO" NORESIZE" attributes in the frame tag, so I don't know why it's appearing. Do you know anything about this? <br />
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thanks sooo much for any help!<!--content-->1. Congratulations. You've just discovered one of the many things that make frames suck. :(<!--content-->i think if you could reprogram the back and forward buttons to do whatever you liked would be a bit of a security risk even by microsoft's standards. You'll probably need a javascript button which you can put on your site that will take you back 2 (or however many) pages in one go. I think the command is javascript:history.go(-2) (note there shouldnt be a space between java and script).<br />
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However, and this is a big however, your site is hampered heavily by frames - the nav bar is too thin and those menus scrolling like mad things gave me a headache. also, it's probably not too good an idea designing a site on 1280x1024 because i would guess (someone correct me if i'm wrong) that only at best 50% use that resolution or higher. as for the mac problems, i wouldnt know about that.<!--content-->Originally posted by jpmoriarty <br />
(note there shouldnt be a space between java and script).<br />
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So why not write it without a space then?<br />
Javascript ;)<!--content-->it used to put a space in there, that's why<!--content-->