This mod merge of three old mods: Rating System Replica
[AJAX] Your One Click Thread Ratings
Who Rated This Thread / Delete Who Rated
- Now it is not necessary to delete elements from a template
- You can choose id forums, where a rating threads to display it is necessary or not necessary
- On click "rating stars" in the threads or forums you get info about voting
- You can delete vote from thread rating
- Realisation with AJAX
Extract all files from folder "Upload" in forum root directory
Find in file threadrate.php on youre server:
PHP Code:
Replace with:
PHP Code:
Using the Product Manager, upload the Product that came with this modification.
Admincp > Plugins and Products > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product] >
Uninstall old mod and import product (v1.3)
Upload stars.png in folder your style, by default /images/rating/
MixPlay Forum // choose any thread
user: Test
pass: 123456 Rating System Replica
[AJAX] Your One Click Thread Ratings
Who Rated This Thread / Delete Who Rated
- Now it is not necessary to delete elements from a template
- You can choose id forums, where a rating threads to display it is necessary or not necessary
- On click "rating stars" in the threads or forums you get info about voting
- You can delete vote from thread rating
- Realisation with AJAX
Extract all files from folder "Upload" in forum root directory
Find in file threadrate.php on youre server:
PHP Code:
$xml->add_tag('voteavg', process_replacement_vars("$vbphrase[rating]: <img class=\"inlineimg\" src=\"$stylevar[imgdir_rating]/rating_$thread[rating].gif\" alt=\"" . construct_phrase($vbphrase['thread_rating_x_votes_y_average'], $thread['votenum'], $thread['voteavg']) . "\" border=\"0\" />"));
Replace with:
PHP Code:
$currate = ($thread['voteavg']*25 . px);
$xml->add_tag('voteavg', process_replacement_vars("<table cellpadding=\"$stylevar[cellpadding]\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td align=\"right\" width=\"45%\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"><div><strong>$vbphrase[trate_currate]</strong></div></td><td align=\"left\" width=\"55%\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"><ul class=\"star-rating\" title=\"" . construct_phrase($vbphrase['thread_rating_x_votes_y_average'], $thread['votenum'], $thread['voteavg']) . "\"><li class=\"current-rating\" style=\"width:$currate;\"></li></td></tr></table>"));
$xml->add_tag('voteavg', process_replacement_vars("<table cellpadding=\"$stylevar[cellpadding]\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td align=\"right\" width=\"45%\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"><div><strong>$vbphrase[trate_currate]</strong></div></td><td align=\"left\" width=\"55%\" nowrap=\"nowrap\"><ul class=\"star-rating\" title=\"" . construct_phrase($vbphrase['thread_rating_x_votes_y_average'], $thread['votenum'], $thread['voteavg']) . "\"><li class=\"current-rating\" style=\"width:$currate;\"></li></td></tr></table>"));
Using the Product Manager, upload the Product that came with this modification.
Admincp > Plugins and Products > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product] >
Uninstall old mod and import product (v1.3)
Upload stars.png in folder your style, by default /images/rating/
MixPlay Forum // choose any thread
user: Test
pass: 123456