New Member
I would really appreciate input on the following implementation. Goals are: produce an XElement, avoid file system reads/writes as much as possble.\[code\]private XElement ProduceApiXml(KeyValuePair<string, ConfigScriptOutput> kvp){ XElement returnValue =; // load xsl file XslCompiledTransform ct = new XslCompiledTransform(); string xslFile = Path.Combine(_assemblyDir, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConfigOutputXslFile"]); ct.Load(xslFile); XmlReader xmlToTransform = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(kvp.Value.ScriptStdOut)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(sb); XmlWriter xmlTransformed = new XmlTextWriter(sw); ct.Transform(xmlToTransform, xmlTransformed); returnValue =; return returnValue;}\[/code\]This is the first time I have used this XslCompiledTransform class, and I am thinking I could imporve on it. My real concern is should I be using something other than the StringBuilder -> StringWriter -> XmlWriter constructs to get to where I want to be? Seems like a lot of objects built up to do the task at hand - which does work. Right now, working wins, but I want to make it better.I'd really appreciate those of you with the experience commenting constructively on what I have done here. A code review, if you will?Thanks in advance for your time.