Thoughts on background music...


What are everyone's thoughts on background music?<br />
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Yes?<br />
No?<br />
How long?<br />
Volume?<br />
Ect.<!--content-->no sorry but it really annoys me<!--content-->Background music is not good. Most users find it annoying and it also creates bad load times for 56k users and its is a burden on the server, lags it up, it will really kill bandwidth.<!--content-->It partly depends on the type of site, but I agree that for the most part, background sound is not going to help your pages out -- it's generally a mark of a newbie web designer. If, however, you do put a background sound on your page, be sure there is a way for users to stop the sound...<!--content-->I like BG music can be a nice long as it is nice and there is readily a button to switch it off when one tires of it.<!--content-->Streaming music or internet radio is ok but I cant stand bg music because its usually some horrible midi, and if its not, say its an mp3 or wave or something, it will cause horrible load times (My connection is fast but there is a such thing as server lag)<!--content-->Great, if it's default OFF.<!--content-->It is a *very* small MIDI file. It loads less then 5 seconds after the whole page has completely loaded, and I am on a 56K. There is a link to turn it off, and to turn it back on.<br />
I was thinking about having the default be off, so that you can choose to turn it on if you want.<!--content-->Midis hardly make up for their poor quality with their size. Midis are extreamly annoying, it just screams novice. Midis carry no real data either it is just a set of notes. I really dislike midis, my advice would be not to use one.<!--content-->The Midi isn't bad quality. I like it. It fits my site.<br />
And, after all, I am a Novice.<br />
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Thank you all for your informative input.<!--content-->well If you and your visiters like nintendo-ish music then I guess a midi is fine for you.<!--content-->No offence Paul jr.<br />
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But if you were not going to evaluate what people's opinions were about the background music then make a judgment as to have it or not. Then why did you post the thread?<br />
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From what I see, and I agree with them, background music is a bad, and a very annoying thing.<br />
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A background noise, like a swish or something that happens once when a specific action happens like a page intro opens, or closes, fine. But a repeating melody, that seem to go on forever and ever and ever like a back case of acne. Which make you want to gouge your ears out with the first thing you can find... <br />
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I think you get our point.<!--content-->Check out the attached image. You see the huge badly drawn arrow, look at what it's pointing at. That's winamp and it's playing music.<br />
If I were to go to a page that had bg music on I'd just close it because it would try and play over winamp and just sound awful.<!--content-->Hes not the only one that has winamp on just about all the time. I usually do too. right now I am listening to jars of clay- liquid<!--content-->I haven't heard of them, are they any good? What type of music do they play?<!--content-->christian rock, I really like their acoustic stuff but they have some good punk-ish sounding stuff, I am not talking main stream trl punk though.<!--content-->To keep this on topic, background music SHOULD be off by default. I and others listen to a lot of music when online and having a some music interupt what we are already listening to is HIGHLY annoying. I don't care if it is a site for a musician. If I want to listen to their music, then I will listen to clips in the music section. This is just asking for a little respect for your users.<br />
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Now for the off topic part, I wouldn't really call Jars Christian rock with some punk-ish sounding stuff. They are much more on the radio-friendly side of rock then punk. They are also ones of those bands that Christians feel comfortable having their non-Christian friends listen to because they aren't going to beat the Christian message into your head. They even had a brief run on secular stations with the song "Flood," which on the same album as "Liquid." Jars also happens to be one of the biggest Christian artsit and one of the few CCM artist that I actually stand. I get much more into indie Christian artists. Any further discussion on Jars of Clay can be done via PM.<!--content-->This thread was going off onto a tangent, but I aggree with you. Even though we aggreeed no joc stuff I would say that revelution has a punk sound to it that is whay I said punkish, you dont here their real christian songs being played on the radio either thats why you can feel confortable. Back on topic, we have just said all this stuff about background music being annoying so why of all things would you want a midi. Midi is a synonim for poor quality. Scrath that, there is no quality, to begin with because they cary no real data its just a set a vlues for witch note for the system to play and when. people who use midis need to be trakced down shackled and tossed into web ethics remedial for annoying the rest of us to death.<!--content-->well, i was thinking about doing this also. I would have it off by default and when a user wants to hear it, click on a on button and it d'loads it. plays when finished.<!--content-->I must be a 'newbie' web designer. I put music on both of the sites I run, but all you have to do to stop it is push the stop button...<!--content-->