this unordered list just isnt workin


Staff member
this list should have a disc bullet, then a circle bullet and then a square bullet but they're all coming up as discs even though i used the script right outta my text book. what's wrong with this..?<br />
<br />
Favorite Vacation Spots<br />
<UL TYPE = "DISC"><br />
<LI>New York<br />
<LI TYPE = "CIRCLE">Colorado<br />
<LI TYPE = "SQUARE">Hawaii<br />
<br />
</UL><!--content-->Originally posted by beccasaur <br />
what's wrong with this..?The book. :rolleyes: <br />
<br />
You should be using styles:<br />
<br />
<ul style="list-style-type: disc;"><br />
<li>New York</li><br />
<li style="list-style-type: circle;">Colorado</li><br />
<li style="list-style-type: square;">Hawaii</li><br />
</ul><br />
<br />
and see: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... style-type</a><!-- m --><!--content-->yeah but im supposed to use TYPE, it's for there any way to get it to work with TYPE?<!--content-->Ah, if it is for homework, forget everything I told you above (except the link) and see:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... tml#h-10.2</a><!-- m --> (points out that the type attribute has been depreciated (read: one should not use)<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ype-values</a><!-- m --> (shows what values could be used, back when it was valid to do so...)<br />
<br />
Also, I do not believe that the type attribute was valid for the <li> element even before it had been depreciated...<!--content-->I'm not sure I understand...<br />
Why would they insist you do something that won't work?<br />
And why is it a problem if you use the correct method, which works? I think you should have a talk with whoever assigned you this homework...<!--content-->...i'm gonna go ahead and use style and if he says something i'll just tell him the book is wrong. thanks alot for the help though :)<!--content-->Sure thing, and good luck. :)<br />
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If he disagrees with you, go ahead and point him to this thread, or to the links I gave you.<!--content-->I'm willing to say that most books and teachers wouldn't know valid code if it smacked them up side the forehead. :D For kicks, just go to a bookstore and look through web design books and count how many that actually use a Doctype in their examples. If you find 25% of them that do, then you found a good bookstore. :p Another example is I took a web design class and on the exam I was supposed to weed through the test code and find something like 25 errors. I quit at 50+. Sometimes having the internal W3C validator running in your head can be a bad thing.<!--content-->are there any books that you could recommend?<!--content-->The only HTML book that I really use, but not that I use it much anymore, is "HTML 4.01 Programmer's Reference" published by Wrox. It looks to be out of print on Amazon so you will have to find a used copy, but at least it will be cheap. ;) Now, it isn't exactly a HTML for beginners book because it is a reference book. However, they do show plenty of examples and since HTML isn't rocket science, you won't be scratching your head. I did run across an error in the book, so a second edition would be nice, but that looks unlikely.<br />
<br />
If you just want to look at book reviews and then check out books based on that, make sure you watch what year the book was made. A five star book written in 1999 is going to hold a much lower ranking with me than a 5 star book written last year.<br />
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For just a general state of the web book, I can't recommend "Designing with Web Standards" by Jeffery Zeldman enough.<!--content-->