This script is driving me insane


Staff member
ORGANIC (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) <br />
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ok all, my page is coming together quite nicely, but I just found a new problem with the news scroll script on my main page. When I view the page the text is supposed to fade into view, which it does. The problem is when it does, it looks all pixelated, until you actually scroll, then it clears right up. I am not sure what is wrong, probably all the font/color tags I have throughout the script. once I get it working properly, I will clean it up, but for now I just want to know how to fix it.<br />
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Any help on this would be appreciated<br />
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Thanks in advance<br />
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-Me-<!--content-->looks fine to me.<br />
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if the news script is an html page, how can it be pixelated?<!--content-->Not sure if I made myself clear about that. What i mean is the text in the news box, loads with a fade, but when it is done loading, it looks over bold(pixelated) and just all around more illegable than the rest of the text in the page. Once you scroll the text, it fixes itself. I am curious why it doesnt fade into the legible arial font to begin with.<br />
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Hope this makes sense<br />
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-Me-<!--content-->Well, it doesn't fade for me but still loks fine. Its takes like a second to show, so I',m going to assume that its suppose to fade in during that second or too. But everything still looks good:)<!--content-->other than the frames on the right side I am currently working on, any other flaws in the page either of you can find would be appreciated.<br />
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Territory what system are you running?<br />
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Thanks for such quick replies<br />
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-Me-<!--content-->like I said, I seen it fade in and when I scrolled it didn't change anything. it looked like what it did when it faded in.<!--content-->does the text look the same size/font/style as the rest of the page? <br />
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I am viewing this on an nt platform so that could be the cause.<br />
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-Me-<!--content-->Same font color, weight, size as the rest. I'm running IE5.5 on win98se machine.<!--content-->hopefully it is just a windows nt bugs. I guess Ill see when i put the site up for review.<br />
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thank you both for the help<br />
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