This may sound like a stupid question...


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But what's top stop someone from creating a Google adsense banner on their site - then clicking it over and over themselves to inflate the click-through rate? I just installed a banner on my site and clicked all of the ads a few times to test - and it registered in my account.Quote:I would say IP tracking as well. I tried a lots of times for fun from my home PC. and I dont get $$ from it as result. Try it from elsewhere a few clicks a day and you get some madmonk wrote: yeah dont overdo it. google may realise that too!madmonk wrote:Iv heard of people having thier accounts deleted for clicking thier own ads over and over. There are a lot of scripts that use proxies to cheat at pay per click ads and toplist sites. Most toplist sites have a gateway page that the voter needs to click another link for thier vote to be counted so i would imagin google do something to prevent cheating, Especially sinse they pay you for clicks.It is stated on the acceptable terms that you should not click at all on your ads or they will cancel you. I tried two clicks and it did not work, so I guess is by IP tracking.After having adsense for a while, everytime that I go to a page that I use such as this one, I try to click on them so I sponsor the owner. nxb22833 wrote:Someone should start some kind of system where hundreds of people get together and click each others google ads.Some kind of "click trading" site, does that exist?I highly suspect that you will get flagged and possibly dumped if your clickthrough rate exceeds the national average, which is roughly in the neighborhood of a .5% click-through rate (to the best of my knowledge).