This is probably starting to get annoying, but....


Staff member
I have another problem. I have the code that pyro gave me which worked wonderfully (yay!), and now I wish to combine it with a different code. I tried just putting the "new" code after pyro's, and it didn't work. How can I include the new code in with pyro's? The codes are:

pyro's code (I added some stuff):

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function addText()
document.getElementById("mydiv").innerHTML = "<FONT Color=black size=5>Text</FONT Color=black size=5>";
<form name="myform">
<input type="button" name="mybutton" value="Next" onClick="addText()">
<div id="mydiv"></div>

And the other code (which I think might be pyro's too..I don't remember):

function takeAction() {

// The right choice
var rightOne = 1;
var msg = "Correct";
var msg2 = "Incorrect";

var c = document.form1.menu1.selectedIndex;

if (c == rightOne) {
if (confirm(msg)) {

document.form1.extra.value = "Congradulations!"


} else {
if (confirm(msg2))




Basically, I would like to have the button bring up the text, the select-and-go menu, and the text box all at the same time. Is it possible????