This Is Driving Me Nuts!!!!!!! Help...please


Here is the url: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> then enter the site, and after the flash movie finishes, notice the nav bar at the bottom of the page, it is half hidden, the bar hiegth is bigger than what it is showing, it is hiding the bottom 3rd of do I get it to show all of it??? Please any help will be greatly appreciated.:confused:<!--content-->First of all you made an error in the link - austingardem ;)<br />
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Not really big on frames but have you tried<br />
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<frameset rows="*,40" border="0" noresize="yes" scrolling="no"><br />
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?<!--content-->looked fine to me, unless you editted it already. also your site is way to big for us on 800x600 resolutions. part of the site goes off the screen<!--content-->