I'm building myself a new web site and hit on this one question I couldn't find any answers for yet.I've read in many places that SE like Google look at the amount of code between the start of your page and the relevant content (text). Looking at my source code I decided to try something.Instead of linking to my stylesheet from the head tag, I put it between the </body> and </html> tag. Surprisingly the page still looks fine in the browsers and I don't have my style definitions expanding in the top of my source code.Will this help (or maybe get me banned )?? Or does the Google bot only look at the amount of code starting at the <body> tag???also because I read in some places that Google only looks at the first 100 kb of code.The engines make a sort of analysis of the page to extract the relevant content.- Look at some meta tags (as "description") and NOT at some others (as "Category", for example)- Look at the major part of the <body></body> content (but ignore some scripts included into this part)- As far as I know, they don't look at anything after </body>Each word has a "weight" depending on where it was found (contexte and position).Quote: