Thinking in ASP+.... not easy!


New Member
I just want to know if There a feature of ASP+ that allow me to keep many variable when I am using many runat="server" on my page.<BR><BR>I will try to explain:<BR><BR>I got many page with a bunch of control that when trigger, will reload the page so if I which to keep some variable thru all the time this person will stay on that page(because I need to recalculate many info on the page based on the user selection) I have to use session varable or hidden text field or querystring info.<BR><BR>So, is there any other more efficient way of doing that(I know that session variable are a quite good for this kind of thing but I don&#039t really like to use them!)<BR><BR>I just hope that there is away do declare variable that can stay as long as you are in the same page.ASP.NET Server Controls will maintain their state accross post-backs to the same page. Ensure that "MaintainState=Fase" is NOT in the page directive, or set as a control property.<BR><BR>Doug Seven<BR>ASPNextGen.comYea that is ok for control but what about all the variable in my asp+ code If I wish to keep info I have to create session varable or is there another way?&nbsp;<BR>Assign the varaible to a ASP.NET Label and set the Label to Visible="False".<BR><BR>Doug Seven<BR>ASPNextGen.comThat is exacly what I have done with the first version of my page but I hit the max allow label control(around 30 on my page) on my page because if I add one more, I got ASP unspecified error !<BR><BR>So I thought It was not the best solution. That why I asked on this board, I just wanted to be sure that I wasen&#039t missing something....But I guess I will stick with my session variable<BR><BR>Thanks for your help!