Theming node's links in Drupal 6


New Member
By default, the node links in the blog page contains \[code\]blog_usernames_blog\[/code\] (admin's blog), \[code\]comment_add\[/code\] (Add new comment) and \[code\]node_read_more\[/code\] (Read more).I need to get rid of the first 2 of them, and to change the text in node_read_more.I created a function named \[code\]$themenamepreprocess_node\[/code\] into template.php in my theme, with this content:\[code\]function mytheme_preprocess_node(&$vars, $hook){ $node = $vars['node']; //blog node, not in full node page if($vars['node']->type == 'blog' AND !$vars['page']){ $vars['node']->links['node_read_more']['title'] = t('My custom read more here'); unset($vars['node']->links['blog_usernames_blog']); unset($vars['node']->links['comment_add']); } //debug: echo "<!-- DEBUG\n"; print_r($vars['node']->links); echo "\n-->";}\[/code\]But it doesnt work; when i print the \[code\]$vars['node']->links\[/code\] in the end of the functions, the links array is exactly as i want it; but when the page is rendered, the old default links are showed.Why?How can i theme the node links just for some content-type and only in the node list page, with theming functions?p.s: i cleared the cache and the theme registry before every try ;)