i apologize for this basic question; been trying to solve this myself but still failed.1) whenever i add \[code\]the_content()\[/code\] inside a \[code\]div\[/code\] or any markup like \[code\]<h1\[/code\]>, it creates a space at top; i have tried adding \[code\]margin:0; padding:0;\[/code\] on the \[code\]markup\[/code\] where it contains \[code\]the_content()\[/code\].2) added \[code\]remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wpautop' );\[/code\] on my functions.phpId love to post the source, but its too long. but the basic layout i want shows below. i just want to remove the space in between the \[code\]title\[/code\] div and \[code\]content\[/code\] div. \[code\]HTML ----------------------------------------------------- <div id="main"> <div id="title"> <?php the_author() ?> </div> <div id="content"> <?php the_content(); ?> </div> </div>CSS ----------------------------------------------------- #title { width:100%; height:100%; padding:0; margin:0; } #content { background:#dcdcdc; width:100%; padding:0; margin:0; } #content h1 { font-size:250%; text-transform:uppercase; padding:0; margin:0; }\[/code\]The result looks like: