The Western mind


Skeptical of their own religious beliefs,disturbed by western philosophy and literature,jealous of muslims,s faith............this is what we call western mind........... In such a state of turmoil, they r consistently firing their guns againt muslims.sometimes in the form of blasphemous sketches and sometimes in the form of poisonous writings .Even the pope is not partial...<br />
In the core of their heart,they know there,s nothing wrong with Islam.Trouble is that,their own faith is shaking which has deprived them of a little piece and solace which they had when atleast they believed in god,s presence though they had spoiled their religion and true faith and beliefs.American scholars such as "sam harris" are openly denouncing religion and religious faith .Such concepts r trying to impose on muslim world also.The packages r being made for them too. <br />
What has been given to them by western philosophy and literature.?"Bertrand russel" has openly attacked christianity on the basis of reason and logic.In his book he has denied even the presence of god.All the reason and logic which he has given seems to be bogus for an educated and observent mind.People fell a prey of his logic only because all the western literature is full of such writers and philosophers .Their writers, poets,dramatists,....what they r? ...morally corrupt,disturbed souls........their is not much time to discuss them. otherwise article will be so lengthy.<br />
The writers and philosophers,who openly says blasphemous things about their religion can,t understand muslim faith and their beliefs.And their media which always presents a wrong picture of islam does not allow them to uncover the truth......<br />
The new generation of western socity is soft towards Islam saying that''islam is a beautiful religion..........''.At their age mind receives impressions but some of them r usally i would like to quote an incident of a young person who was a psychosis and after accepting islam ,he could be able to overcome his disease by praying five times daily.......<br />
They Are lost,feel voidness everywhere leading a purposeless life by rejecting presence of god and they think ,why others should feel joy and satisfaction in their why not deprive them too of their peace....??