The value of the property 'play' is null or undefined, not a Function object


New Member
I recently moved a poker game in HTML and JavaScript to ASP.NET and added a button control to go some where else in my site. I'm not sure if this is the cause of my troubles but it feels right.I got the error:\[quote\] "The value of the property 'play' is null or undefined, not a Function object"\[/quote\]when I press an HTML regular Input Button which has \[code\]onClick="play();"\[/code\] as one of my attempts to fix it I put all its content as a remark and stays with an empty function but it still throw this error.this the line which the debugger lined as errored://it has no comment mark in the original, its only for it appearing in calls a function inside a script area: function play() { }Any ideas? Is there a problem in mixing JavaScript and ASP.NET?Also another small question how can I remove an ASP control which have a C# event from the code without causing the program to throw errors about something not found?