The Speed of Scrolling Text


Is there a way of controlling the speed of text (within <Marquee> tags), using in-line commands? [Its a pity there isn't a SCROLLSPEED="xxx" command; or is there???]<br />
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Martin.<!--content--><marquee> is not a valid html tag. You should avoid using it. Although it looks cool to you, its very distracting to have text darting around for no specific purpose.<!--content-->Point taken. The reason behind the scrolling text is to highlight to the reader(s) the latest company news item. <br />
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Do you have any alternative suggestion as to how we could go about it? [I'm sure you'll agree that flashing text is even worse! ;)]<br />
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Martin.<!--content-->Bold? Underline? Headings? Color? Size? Border? Background? put 'latest' in front of it in red?<!--content-->Rathole Alert! :)<br />
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That's the second time to-day that I've come across Putt's Law!<br />
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Martin.<!--content-->Perhaps someone's trying to tell you something? LOL it's better than Sod's law. Or is it Murphys? (What can go wrong, will go wrong!!)<!--content-->