The newbiest ASP.NET question


New Member
I have been working with ASP for quite a long time, recently I realized I needed to upgrade myself and picked up an ASP.NET book.<BR>I spent a couple hours going through the first half of the book and all I found is a little change in syntax and complex controls that replace simplier HTML tags.<BR>Yes, I know I exaggerated a bit. This is the reason I made this post. First couple pages of all .NET books always have a section for "What is ASP.NET". I am not trying to challenge the usefullness of ASP.NET, In fact I am sure it is very powerful. Probably I am just too stupid to understand this. <BR>So, what can it do?To Me The advantage to is more noticable when using the Program.True..You could do almost anything using ASP, but ASP.NET makes it more simpler. For eg..Suppose u needed to add a button and onclike of the button u needed some functionality, u had to create a new page and add the functionality in that page. Using ASP.NET u could embed the code within the button in layman's terms. It more systematic and organised and the first step towards object oriented web designing.