After G released Google Analytics, I went to see what it was about. Since this is my business, I was of course, interested. There has always been competition from 'free' services, and some of them are pretty good. So this aspect did not bother me.However, when I did a search on Google for 'Web Analytics' (no quotes), I saw they occupied the number 6 position. This is for a page that had been up for maybe a couple of days. To get there, they had to knock someone else off the page. I then checked the PR of the page. Zero. PR=0. Yup, it replaced other PR 8 sites with a PR 0. Great. Wonderful. Wish I could do that.Next, I looked at inbound links. Perhaps they achieved their position via a good many high ranked inbound links. Nope, None. Zero links, not even their own.Beginning to look sort of evil doesn't it?The rest of us must work hard developing links 'naturally', slowly, over time. We spend many hours to see that our sites meet the strict rules of fair play and 'white hat' practices.Obviously Google is immune to their own rules. So now we know just how much we can trust G's benevolent smile and assurances that they will do no evil and will treat their site fairly for all concerned. They want to give the searcher 'relevant' material, and I guess material from G is more relevant than anyone else's.