The icon in the address bar?


I don't kno if im suposta add this thread here, and im not to sure how to word this question, but here it gos. There are cool icons on some web pages where it shows the address ontop of internet explorer browser, If you kno what im talking about can you please tell me how to make one? And also somtimes when you add a site to your favorits, an icon from the site shows up next to the web site you have just added, can u tell me how to do that too?<br />
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If anyone can help Thanx!;)<!--content-->I'm not sure I know what your first question refers to, but to answer your second question, those are called favicons. Here's a good article (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... vicons.php</a><!-- m -->) <br />
explaining how to make them and add them to your website. <br />
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HTH<br />
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Joe<!--content-->if you have the graphic/video/sound viewer Irfanview (available at Download <!--more-->.com), you can convert images to .ico format with it. the colors get a little funky, though. go with Iconforge until it stops working first.<!--content-->Those icons are quite cool here is some multi-purpose code. But first you have to make a 16 by 16 favicon.ico in a imaging program (limited to 16 color pallette to keep web safe). Place it in the root file of your page and put this syntax in your code <link rel="shortcut icon" href=""> . Once people add you to your favorites your icon will appear:<br />
In the Favorites folder <br />
In the Links bar <br />
In the Address bar <br />
On the Desktop <br />
On the Taskbar <br />
In the Start Menu <br />
Hope that answered your question, have fun.<!--content-->Yah to make your image you will need a program like Microangelo or I think the favicon site lets you design your icon then they send it to you applet style through email. I dont remember where but you can get the 30 day trial of Microangelo somewhere Download <!--more-->.com perhaps it dosent matter that its a trial it will take you like what 2 seconds to make your icon?<!--content--><!--content-->Thank You all, for your help!:)<!--content-->