New Member
Hi,What is the process to find out the actual PR of a site, not the one showing on the toolbar, that is always an integer between 1-10. But how do I know the real one or if it was a fractional, like 5.6 or something?I don't believe there is one. It's not the toolbar that rounds it up, but Google itself before it sends the PR data out (which is presumably why only the Google directory can order by PR so perfectly).Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong on this.I don't think there is a way to find out the actual pr either. Somebody was talking about a I was just checking for an expert opinion. Well, some people say that if you have say a PR6 home page and that the pages directly under it are a PR6 then you are almost a PR7. If the pages under it are PR5 and down then you are a low PR6. Just a theory I have seen passed around.IS there a way to find the PR of a site without using the toolbar?I use firefox 99% of the time, so I usually can't see the PR of a site, and it's a pain to open up IE to see it.The topic is discussing this I see, in case you can type a handfull of urls in here and get the PRs back