The 2 Characters again


Staff member
Hi it's me again . I see that only Clark was able to think a way to help me but i'm not good at Java so i didn't understand a lot , next time tell me where to paste what . To make thing more easy . I'l tell you where the scipt is it's on <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... cters.html</a><!-- m -->
And there where the
out = "a"; // replace this
add = "z"; // with this
is I added another out add and it looks so now
out = "a"; // replace this
add = "z"; // with this
out = "z"; // replace this
add = "o"; // with this
And now it only translets "z" :confused: . Maybe i'm doing something wrong , but on this site theres nothing about how to replace 2 Characters . I hope now you can help me . And please i'm not preety good with this stuff so make it so that even an Imbecile could understand it . How about Paste This !
It would be great Please help me . :(