Thanks to all . . . now about frames.


Mucho thanks to those who replied to my radio button question below. I could not figure out how to reply to any of you. The interface for this forum is so cluttered (and confusing) I gave up searching for how to do this. Sorry about that.<br />
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On another question, does anybody know how to change the border width of a frame? I have a webpage with two frames on it. The left one takes approx. 1/4 of the screen, and the right one takes the rest of the screen. The border is very hard to grab with the mouse (even at 800 x 600) and I would like to increase the size of this for easier handling.<br />
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But I don't see anything in the HTML specs that allow for this. I'm using IE 5.5<!--content-->I think it's the border attribute. Not sure though. <br />
<frameset border= 3><!--content-->I don't like frames very much. ;) !<!--content-->Originally posted by cao825 <br />
I don't like frames very much. ;) ! <br />
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I don't think too many people do.<!--content-->Originally posted by BloodGhst <br />
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I don't think too many people do. <br />
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Very true, that is why you never want to use them. ;) ! Very Unprofessional! ;) !<!--content-->Originally posted by cao825 <br />
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Very true, that is why you never want to use them. ;) ! Very Unprofessional! ;) ! I don't agree! Some sites look better with frames and some don't. It's just a matter of how the content and design of the site make the frames look.<!--content-->Plenty of professional sites use frames, although lately they tend to be designed so you don't notice it's frames at first sight.<!--content-->BloodGhst is correct. It is <frameset border=*>. I wouldn't use frames, though, especially not with a border.<!--content-->But only a fraction of the people who use frames know how to use them well...without scroll bars or borders. It is easier and less dangerous if you just use tables.<!--content-->"Plenty of professional sites use frames, although lately they tend to be designed so you don't notice it's frames at first sight." ?I agree.<br />
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It just depends on the style look at say<br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> (NO frames)<br />
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> (YES to frames)<br />
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Both the above look cool.<br />
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What about my portfolio <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> use frames and even dare I say it horezontal scrolling (hand bags ready!), its still allot under construction but you can see my point. I hated pop-ups once but found a use for it in my portfolio (not in adverts I can tell you). My point is that you should never say no to any concept - just think of a clever way to use it and then in becomes innovative.<!--content-->